Scoring Instructions

Scorecards must be filled out completely by the scorer and agreed to by an opponent before turning it in at the lounge upstairs in the clubhouse after the match. Scorecards must include:

  • Last name of every player (for subs write full name and phone number somewhere on the scorecard.
  • Scores for each hole.
  • Total strokes for holes played by each individual/team points.

There are 24 points awarded for each match.  12 points are awarded for the team match.  This breaks down as follows:

  • 4 points for the front seven holes
  • 4 points for the back seven holes
  • 4 points for the total 14 holes

Each individual 1:1 match is worth 6 points each.  So 2 individual matches are worth the remaining 12 points.  This breaks down as follows:

  • 2 points for the front seven holes
  • 2 points for the back seven holes
  • 2 points for the total 14 holes

Everyone should use the scorecards which were generated for their match.  The scorecard will have a yellow or green background for any holes where a player receives a handicap.   The first handicap hole in the seven hole half match will be the lowest in the “handicap sequence”. A player with a yellow background will deduct one stroke when computing the winner of that hole.  A player with a green background will deduct 2 strokes.  For those with less than 3 previous scores, handicaps will need to be calculated as defined on in the Provisional Handicap Procedure (after the match). You will need to go back and calculate the holes with handicaps for the provisional players.

In the example below 17 through 14 (17, 18, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) constitute the first half of the match, holes 15 through 12 the second half. The 1st half is on the left side of the scorecard and the 2nd half is on the right side.

If less than 14 holes are played, the handicap holes still fall where they would for the 14 hole match.

If there are no provisional handicaps, the scorer shall record both the scores and results after the play of each hole so that the match status is known at all times.  This should be done after leaving the green so as not to delay the next group.  If help is needed to complete the cards consult with the secretary in the upstairs tavern.

For the first two weeks’ scorecards, I will check them over to make sure everyone understands the system.  From the third week on, the cards will be assumed correct as turned in and penalty points may be charged each team for incomplete cards.

NOTE: A player may get more than one stroke per hole.  In this case, the cell will be highlighted in green instead of yellow.  Green indicates 2 strokes per hole

The match starts on the assigned hole – in this case 17A (“A” signifying you are the first team off 17).  The first 9 holes of the match are played from the white tees while the last 5 holes (17, 18, 10, 11, 12) are played from the Silver tees.  Notice the blue coloring on the holes to be played from the Silver tees.  After you finish a hole you write the actual number of strokes each player took on the hole and calculate the result of that hole.  In the example below two holes have been completed.

In the lower handicap match:

  • Woods won the first hole 4-to-6; Notice the + above the hole in the NAME row.
  • Woods and Els tied the second hole 4-to-4 –  Notice the NAME row is empty for this hole

In the higher handicap match:

  • Singh and Mickleson tied the first hole 4-to-4
  • Mickleson  won the 2nd hole – 8-to-3.  Mickleson got a stroke on the hole as designated by the yellow background, although he did not need it to win the hole.  Notice the – above the hole in the NAME row.

In the team match:

  • Els/Mickleson won the 1st hole 3-to-4 because Mickleson got a stroke in the team match turning his 4-to-3.  Put an – in the NAME row empty signifying team B won.
  • Team B won the second hole 4-to-3. Again, Michelson got a stroke on this hole and it made team B the winner.  Put a – in the NAME row signifying team B won the hole.

This continues until you complete the 7th hole.  It is now possible to calculate the winner of the 1st half of the match.

In the sample scorecard above, Woods won the first seven holes 3-to-0 (count the +).  Woods gets all 2 points for the first half of match and Els gets zero (in red).

Mickleson beat Singh 3-to-1.  He gets all the points for the first half of the match 2.  Put zero and 2 in the First Half column.

For the team match, Team B beat Team A tied 4-3.  Team A gets zero points while Team B fets all 4 points. Put a zero and 4 in the First half column.

This continues until you complete all 14 holes.  Calculate the points for the 2nd half of the match in a similar fashion to the 1st half – i.e. 2 points for the 2nd half of each individual match and 4 points for the 2nd half of the team match.  At that point you should have points awarded for the first half and 2nd half of the match and their columns should be filled in.  Now it’s time to calculate the overall points.  To do that simply add up the + and – for the entire match and award 2 points for the individual overall winner and 4 point for the overall team winner.

In the example above:

  • Els won the 2nd half of the match 1-2 and gets 2 points.  Woods won the overall match (counting all the + and -) 4-2.  So Woods gets 2 points for the overall match.
  • Singh and Mickleson tied the 2nd half of the match 3-3.  Each player gets 1 point  Overall, Mickleson also won the 2 points for the full match 6-4.  Put a 2 and 0 in the overall column for the lower handicap match.
  • In the team match, the teams split the 2nd half of the match 2-2 so the 4 points are split evenly 2-2.  The overall team match goes to Team B 6-5 so the Els/Mickleson team gets all 4 points.

Now you need to add up the total points.  In the example below:

  • Woods gets 4 points for his individual match
  • Els gets 2 points for his individual match
  • Singh gets 1 point for his individual match
  • Mickleson gets 5 points for his individual match
  • Team A gets 4 points for the team match
  • Team B gets 8 points for the team match.

In this example Team A gets 9 points and Team B gets 15 points. Put these numbers in the totals box at the bottom of the scorecard.

Finally it’s time to get the scores for 14 holes that will be used to calculate your league handicap.  For each player you add up the scores for the 14 holes, but you may not add a score higher than indicated in the Max per Hole” column next to the name.  Singh actually took 76 strokes but because he took an 8 on his second hole (18) which exceeded his maximum by one stroke, you need to subtract 1 from his total score and put 75 in the Total Score column.  Mickleson took 83 strokes and also exceeded his maximum per hole by one on his 8th hole (15) when he shot a 9.  But notice that Mickleson’s maximum per hole was 8 because of his higher handicap.  So subtracting 1 from his total number of strokes yields 82 which you put in the Total Strokes column

It takes a while to get used to this scoring, but you will soon become an expert.  You are not allowed to turn in a scorecard that is not filled out completely.  I will not take care of the scoring for you.

If you do not finish 14 holes:

  • To calculate the total score, simply add up the holes played and put it on the total strokes for each player.  I will normalize the strokes to the 14 holes based upon the par of the holes you finished and the par of the holes you have remaining.  Do not fill in scores for holes you did not play!
  • The 1st 7 holes constitute the 1st half of the match regardless of how many holes you actually finish.  Score out the 1st 7 holes as the first half of the match.  The remaining holes you finish constitute the 2nd half of the match.  If you only finish 8 holes, then that final hole counts as the entire 2nd half of the match and carries as much weight towards overall as the 7 holes you played on the first half.  Do not split the holes you finish in half to make the halves even.  The first 7 holes you play are always the first half of the match.  No exceptions.
  • If you don’t even finish 7 holes due to rainout or other calamity, then add up the player scores for the holes you completed.  Use the holes completed to decide the points in the 1st half of the match and split the points evenly for the 2nd half of the match.  Total up the 1st and 2nd half for the overall points.  This might result in a bloodbath for one team based upon a slow start, but them’s the breaks…..

For New Subs, write first and last name plus a phone number labeled work/home/cell somewhere on the scorecard if they want to be added to the sub list

Calculating a Handicap

If a 14 Hole Golf League member or a sub has no handicap (or a ‘P’ handicap), you cannot figure out any points involving this player until you finish the round.  You must calculate his handicap using the chart below and use the lower of the handicap calculated from the current round OR the published handicap (if there is one) for scoring the current card.

Handicap Calculation for Players with Provisional or NO Handicap